Civil Rights Movement In Selma

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The film Selma directed by Ava DuVernay expertly represents the struggles African-Americans and supporters faced while advocating for an end to the corrupt exploitation of the civil rights of African-Americans. The issues that African-Americans contested during the film accurately represents the sentiment of many African-Americans during the Civil Rights movement. Because of the compelling and despairingly honest depiction of the struggles that the African-American community faced during this time, the film was able to create an accurate account and the importance of the historical events surrounding the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. Near the beginning of the film, an African-American woman is denied her voter’s registration, solely because she is a person of color, a woman no less. The woman’s walks away from the office dejected and resigned to the idea that prejudice will never change and African-Americans will always be treated as lesser. This scene from Selma uses the despair of this woman to help create a platform for the rest of the movie. This scene was used to help introduce the historical events leading to the need for a march. Leading to the march many African-Americans were made martyrs simply because of their desire to utilize their civil rights. Before the march, many African-Americans felt that …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. appeals to the citizens of the United States to help support not just African-Americans, but fellow citizens and humans. Mr.King appeals to the people’s emotions and morale by exclaiming bystanders are not innocent. Those who turn away from the violence and hatred towards African-Americans are just as much to blame for the murders as those who are killing African-Americans in the streets. This riot had a significant role in the march from Selma to Montgomery and Selma utilized this event to portray just how big of an impact that civil rights played during this