During times of darkness, individuals run around frantic in search of a leader. One who has the courage to speak and stand up for what they believe in, taking a stand up against the world. Two leaders in the history of the United States rose during that time in our countries history known as the Civil Right Movement. These leaders, Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. and President John F. Kennedy, speak of peace, equality , and civility, but on different scales. In order to bring America to a better and brighter future.
During the 1960’s, the Civil Rights Movement was seen across the country. Different ethnicities experienced different forms of hostility towards fellow man. Such as people missing for days on end only to find them killed.Martin Luther
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Another influential man during the Civil Rights Movement was our country 's leader, President John F. Kennedy. His most known work is the “ Inaugural Address” when he was sworn into office in 1961. Coming before Martin Luther King 's “I Have A Dream” speech, Kennedy speaks of the same principles the country is destined to venture. Peace was one transparent idea that raced through the mind of many Americans. Unlike King, who was in favor of peaceful protesting, Kennedy was willing to “take any means necessary to assure the survival and the success of liberty”(Kennedy 511). “Also those who are the adversaries of United States start anew. That not only come to an agreement, but eliminate war in its tracks”(Kennedy 512). Even if war was inevitable, Kennedy was willing to make the …show more content…
Finally comes the last key principle known as civility. “So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always a subject of proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate” (Kennedy 512). As Americans, we must not cower at the thought of fear. In order to achieve Kennedy 's goal one must look at the situation as King. King’s thinking was starting on home ground to attain civility at home. Without starting at the weakest link, one could not change the world into the grand picture they see. The task at hand would simply become overwhelming and time consuming. Kennedy’s intentions were uplifting to the nation, but the reality was eyeopening at home.
Kennedy’s plan to allow the future to prosper into peace and tranquility would heighten the emotions of citizens. Turning a blind eye to the problems faced at home, Kennedy focused on world peace rather than peace on our own nation. Groups of individuals ended up missing or being killed during the sixties. “This Peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in America,”(Kennedy 511). Kennedy has realized that freedom will come at the price