Civil Service Eagles Case Study

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**RANKED # OF ## FIERCELY COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS** **TALENTED DECK PLATE LEADER! TREMENDOUS COMMAND-WIDE AND ISIC LEVEL IMPACT!** -SUPERIOR ISIC CCC. Praised by Navy Information Force for having the best Career Information Program in the region! His efforts increased retention by 12.5% and decreased attrition by 3.2%. Three detachments earned the FY-16 Retention Excellence Award. -DECKPLATE LEADER. As the Departmental Leading Petty Officer, he led five Sailors in all facets of administration resulting in one advancement and four duty section qualifications. -MESS INVOLVEMENT. Engaged in CPO-365! He provided two CPO-365 Trainings to 21 FCPOs and 10 Chiefs resulting in increased knowledge of the Navy standards and professionalism. …show more content…

As the Assistant Educational Service Officer, he trained 23 Sailors in Navy Wide Advancement Exam preparation resulting in NCTS FE 's advancement surpassing the Navy average by 9 percent. As the Assistant Drug and Program Advisor, he facilitated PREVENT Training to 63 Sailors resulting in zero DUIs and reduced ARIs by 17%. As Special Observance Program Committee President, he organized seven multi-cultural events for 130 Sailors and civilians increasing awareness in cultural diversity. As the Navy Ball Representative, he supervised four events and led 35 Sailors; raised

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