Claire Quilty's Obsession Over Children

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Claire Quilty’s obsession over children and child pornography act as a representation of America’s growing industry of sex and the sexualizing of bodies in the media. Though he does not know Humbert Humbert or Lolita, he asks Humbert Humbert many questions, such as “Where the devil did you get her?... Who’s the lassie?” (Nabokov 127) and then claiming that he is a liar after answering that Lolita is Humbert Humbert’s daughter. It is evident that Quilty is highly interested in Lolita. He appears out of nowhere and is cast in the shadows the whole time he talks to Humbert Humbert, making him seem like a mysterious, creepy and devious character. It is not till the end of the novel that Quilty’s occupation is revealed. Lolita explains how Quilty …show more content…

Quilty portrays his devotion towards viewing children and women not as people, but objects meant to be used and taken advantage of. Hence, because Lolita loved him and did not want to get tangled in sexual activities that did not involve him, Quilty stops pursuing her and instead, disposes her like another one of his useless accessories. Quilty’s obsession over children reflect back on American culture and its constant creation of porn. Amy Adler discusses the “sexual exploitation of children” in America (Adler 212) and how the “culture drenches itself in sexualized children” (Alder 213). Consequently, similar to Quilty’s character in the book, America oppresses children and is obsessed with using them to make money, regardless of the violence that they might inflict on them. When Humbert Humbert confronts Quilty with a gun, Quilty claims that he is “not responsible for the rapes of others” and that the “joy ride… was a silly stunt” that he gave to Lolita (Nabokov 298). It demonstrates that even though Quilty has a passion for ownership over children, it does not mean that he cares for any of them. He merely collects them, uses them and then disposes of them without any

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