Clarity Affords Focus By Thomas Leonard

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Whenever I tell people that I can train them in mind mapping, I get to see strange faces or get awkward silences. You see, in the Netherlands, when you say mind mapping, it is understood as something like hitting your mind. And since not everybody knows about mind mapping… this could be one of the most dangerous training positions one can have…
Clarity Affords Focus – Thomas Leonard
In this practical writing, I will give you not just information on what mind mapping is, why you can/should use it, who benefit from it and when to use it. I will also give you practical pointers on how to benefit from it right now. Throughout this piece, you will find links that help you to learn more specific information, techniques and tips as well as places …show more content…

This different view allows the user to get different perspectives that gives them better insight, more clarity, peace of mind, understanding.
It is important to know that mind mapping is formalized by Tony Buzan. He is not the first person who created the mind mapping structure of working. Mind mapping structures were used by many people in history. Many smart people used it (and probably also many people who are not that famous).
Tony Buzan did create the system and gave it a name. I am sure that when you look back at the way you are taking notes, you used a similar way of working. The reason this probably happened to you before is because mind mapping comes very natural to us and our brains. The structure of mind maps is something that you see in nature a lot.
Mind mapping is the combination of art and science, logic and emotion, words and images, boring and fun. Mind mapping combines all these things to make the result, the mind map, something that your brain really likes.
Normally, you only use words. In a traditional theory that is used a lot in mind mapping, we learn that the left brain loves words and the right brain enjoys images. Although this is true, it is not either-or. Both love words and …show more content…

Practical mind mapping is sort of a hybrid between traditional and digital mind mapping. More colours, faster, easier
• Traditional mind mapping uses often this order for adding information: images, colours, words.
• Digital mind mapping uses most often this order: words, images, colours
• Practical mind mapping follows this format: words, colours (optional images).
That’s right, in a practical mind map the words are most important and colours are used tomake the overview brain friendly. If images are needed, you can add them. But this is only optional. Remember that the map itself is an image also! So when you don’t add additional images, that is fine. Simply work with font sizes (really important!!!), font background colours, font colours, branch colours. Add them in this particular order.
Font sizes are the most important you use, then font background colour, etc. All of these are really fast to implement and have a big influence on the way you perceive the