Clark College Food Waste Essay

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Every time you waste, you are spending more money just to replace and to take it away in the trash. Just like when we just throw away our food in the recycling and in the trash. It is contaminating everything that it touches. When the leftover food hits the trash it heads to the landfill instead of being used for compost, but if it goes in the recycling the recycling goes to the landfill because it has become contaminated. I have brought this to your attention because, of food waste contaminates in the garbage and the recycling problem, Clark College should decrease the size of the trash bin; add compost, increase bins around campus, to address the problem. Clark’s food waste can be shown through a waste audit that students have done in Travis Harwood’s Environmental Biology class. In the waste audit we saw that there was food still in the some reusable containers just thrown out, just like nobody has time to separate their waste; or just did not want to. You could even smell the rotting food through the containers that were sealed and no air getting in them. This can also be shown just by sitting in a …show more content…

The funding will help getting Clark closer to fixing the problem and will have saved money by less trash that we produce. We could have donations of bin and funding to start getting the project closer to the main problem. In the book Garbology Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash by Edward Humes poses the question can an ordinary person make a difference? Yes an ordinary person like me or you, and everyone around us can make a difference. By decreasing the “food waste businesses pay less to dispose of their trash. Some haulers charge less if the food waste is separated from the trash and sent for composting rather than landfilling”. (Resource) With more support from students and staff this will become a higher priority within campus and change will need to be done sooner than

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