Class Policy Essay

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Class Policy 1. We will be spending much time on analyzing data in class. You MUST read the textbook BEFORE class so we can use the concepts and interprets the outputs from R. Both quizzes and assignments are based upon the textbook. In addition, only will you know what you and R are doing after reading the textbook. Be aware of experiencing alienation when using R! 2. Bring your laptop to class. Mute or turn off your smartphone during the class. You can use the smartphone only when R is available on it. 3. Check your Sakai site daily: check the assignments and quizzes pages. Assignments and quizzes will be available on Sakai and should be submitted through Sakai. 4. Check your email account daily: When assignments or quizzes are available …show more content…

The older versions of the textbook are allowed because the key concepts of statistics haven’t been changed and the main organization of the book is almost the same. Healey, Joseph F. 2014. Statistics: A tool for social research. Cengage Learning. The following book is one of the major sources for our R examples in class, you can also find it in the student store. Imai, Kosuke. 2017. Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction. Princeton University Press. Statistical Software We will set the open-source statistical software R up in our first class. You might have heard researchers using SPSS, STATA, or SAS. These are convenient but expensive softwares. R is free, flexible, powerful, and trendy in many fields (from medical, data science, to social sciences). Although R can be challenging, it opens the door to many career options when you master it. Honor Code You have to complete all assignments, quizzes, and exams independently. I will make a checkbox available to you to indicate whether you do the work by yourself when you submit the homework. You can familiar yourself with the UNC Honor Code here

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