Classical Liberalism In Canada

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One of the most important social issues that this project would like to address is health care in Canada. Health infrastructure is a national priority, where the seventy-seven percent of Canadians say "that while governments mostly talk about the need to invest in roads and bridges, investing in aging hospitals is a higher priority." According to various sources and studies, Canadians believe that tremendous changes and reforms are required. Ninety-one percent of Canadians believe that the health care system could improve the quality of care through greater efficiency, and sixty-four percent says that the Canadian system is falling behind its international counterparts. Unless government act to address these problems, the studies suggest …show more content…

The main idea is that the civil society should be governing itself. In other words, there is a fundamental belief in individual freedom. Classical liberalism holds the view that the people have natural rights and these rights are separate from government. This view is opposite towards the general opinion where the government grants rights. It is a time of scientific revolutions and the time when the power of Catholic Church had no longer the same type of power as before. Liberalism sees the market as a major part of civil society. It claims that people should be able freely to exchange goods of their labor with fellow members of society. Moreover, classical liberalism suggests that for society to remain functional, it must be democratic. Liberalism fears that the granting of power opens the door to corruption and the abuse of those powers. There are certain difficulties and challenges in classical liberalism. For instance, the division of labor, whereas Adam Smith suggested that there should be a division of labor. The other problems with classical liberalism are monopolies. Smith promoted competition. However, there is an issue of innovation as it conflicts with …show more content…

The Canada Health Act outlines the basic tenets of health care to be universal and accessible to essential physician and hospital health services across the country. However, the details of how each system operates, including what is covered and how is determined provincially. Also, the federal government has responsibility for Aboriginal and veteran health care. On the plus side, this means provinces can tailor health services to the particular needs of their residents; the downside is that coordinating health reforms across the country remains a significant