Classroom Philosophy Statement

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I want my classroom to organized, educational and welcoming. The walls in my classroom will be neutral colored and covered in posters that will guide student learning throughout the year. I will display student work and relevant posters for students to use during the school year. I will focus on making the classroom look fun and inviting but not too distracting for students that need more of a neutral classroom. I want to use the wall space in the classroom to provide students with information to reference to be successful. I will also have a library in my classroom with books available for all students at every reading level with books that are appealing for fifth and sixth graders of every genre. To make the environment welcoming, I will …show more content…

All five desks will be faced inward so the table groups will face each other to work together or have a guided discussion. I will also have a seating chart, so every student will have the same desk and work with the same table groups throughout the year. Although, I will assess how well table groups are working and adjust the seating chart if needed for an efficient and effective learning experience for all students. I will also have provide other opportunities for students to work together in other groups throughout the year. There will be times that the students will work independently, but overall I will focus on collaborative learning. In fifth and sixth grade, I believe that is important to learn how to work together efficiently and effectively. During lessons, I will give students opportunities to stop and check with their group mates to expand their thought process and contribute to a group …show more content…

This will include research materials such as science fiction books, dictionaries, word sorts, Ipads to use for research, and other materials that students can turn to for extra help or to use to explore an idea. I want to encourage my students to ask questions and also know how to answer their own questions by doing their own research. This area in my room will be a place that any student will be encouraged to use and I will plan ahead to be able to have materials relevant to the specific topics being discussed in

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