K To 12 Rhetorical Analysis

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Exposition: Teachers are one of the most demand professionals. As Helen Caldicott states, “Teachers are the most responsible and important member of the society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth (Bibao, et. al. 2012). As one’s profession, teachers don’t live in a vacuum. They live in a society. They are part of society. The society influences them to the extent that they allow themselves to be influenced by it. Their thoughts, values, and actions are somehow shaped by events and by people with whom they have contact. They, in turn, help shape society-its events, its people, and its destiny. These situations made one realize the significant role that one will play in society. This is perhaps one reason why many a time the …show more content…

Clamors and feedback were heard from them. Some are positive, some are negative. Attitudes differ that the implementation made them feel challenged but at the some time let them feel as an opportunity how to go with the change of time. As teachers, challenges and opportunities are going on as experienced especially that this is the initial implementation of the said program. What kind of experiences do they encounter and at the same time what opportunities were opened for them to become more effective teachers. What knowledge, habits and skills did they experience? As a matter of fact, no feedbacks were gathered about the argument raised related to K to 12 curriculum especially to stakeholders specifically on challenges and opportunities of teachers on the initial implementation of the K to 12 program of the Philippines which stated SY 2013-2014. The fact that the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum were not always appreciated by stakeholders suggestions that more research is necessary in order to better inform the educational community about the problems faced by the teachers in the implementation of the curriculum in their

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