Earth is an exotic world, and humans are slowly chipping away at its grand beauty. The pollution from oils and other burnable fuel is rapidly increasing global warming.These fossil fuels are also running out and soon people of Earth will have no more until millions of years later. Clean energy is now a source of energy, that people will have to turn to if they want to save the earth and still have an energy source to use. These problems of increased global warming, running out of fossil fuels, and how to achieve a world of clean energy is what people of Earth are facing to make a better world for there generations and generations to come. Global Warming is a problem that is developing for the worse and doesn't look like it is going away anytime soon. Every year sea levels are rising .04 millimeters due to glaciers melting from the increase in temperature from global warming. This may not seem like a lot but, …show more content…
America alone uses about 19.69 million barrels per day of oil alone. This is only America, imagine all the countries of the world combined it would be a tremendous amount of oil used, and where does all this oil go once it is burned? Well of course in the air once again showing how careless humans can be. By the year 2088 humans will have used up all of their fossil fuels available to them. This may seem like it is very far away, but in reality, this is less than a hundred years that this will happen, and when it does humans better hope that they have a backup plan because these fuels take up to millions of years to replenish. Once again you can see how humans are running out of options and time, they will need to put their minds together and help one another if they plan to save Earth and at the same time have