Clean Water In Haiti

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As seen in Image two, placing the homes on stilts would limit flooding damage and the spread of disease through stagnant water. Because the homes are plastic and non porous, it would make them easier to sanitize with soap and water or bleach. One home can be easily built by four people who have no previous knowledge in construction in only 5 days. An entire shelter for 14 families can be assembled by 15 people in ten days. These plastic structures can be utilized as homes, schools, clinics, etc.
A majority of the medicine in Haiti comes form the Red Cross which has a permanent located in Port-AU- Prince. But another resource for both education and services are Doctors Without Borders. The recent Hurricane Mathew that swept throughout …show more content…

And yet thousands of people are still dying by dehydration and illness from contaminated water. Organizations like The Red Cross, and Doctors Without borders do bring clean water with them but what are the people going to do when they leave? Another sources of clean water is through purifying contaminated wells and building wells. A Haiti outreach organization allows people to Adopt a well. According to the organization “An individual or group sponsors a specific community managed well in rural Haiti, pledging to raise the $15,000 needed to fully fund a specific Haitian community’s program to gain sustainable access to clean water and sanitation” (Dine, 2016) Out of the multitude of private donors, government donors, and volunteer laborers, the probability of having a clean well in every community shouldn 't be an impossible feat. An organization called Food for the Poor provides food and feeding centers, clean water and sanitation, housing and education to poorest of the poor. With the constant flooding there are plenty of ways to collect and decontaminate water. In my short period of time as a camper in the mountains, I learned how to make a filter to remove dirt and possible chemicals using a water bottle. Place cloth at the bottom, near the mouth of the bottle, then fill it will pebbles, and sand, cloth, charcoal, cloth, sand and pebbles. The sand and pebbles will filter …show more content…

All of the proposed education comes from the volunteers that would go to Haiti. Representatives from Conceptos Plasticos could teach the villagers how to assemble and rebuild the plastic houses should there be any damage. The Doctors would teach more doctors and nurses while they help heal and teach the importance of sanitation and how to achieve it. Food for the Poor and Adopt a Well would teach the villages the healthiest ways to gain access to clean water and grow healthy fruits and vegetables. The volunteers from all over the world could not only help people rebuild their homes, build wells, feed the sick and hungry, but also teach them how to continue to thrive after volunteers have

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