Cleburne County Library Website Analysis

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It is necessary to analysis the contents on the website from the aspects of different kinds of labels, navigation methods, organization structure, and the texts formats. The analysis results help to produce a successful information architecture for the redesign of the website. 1.3.1 Benchmarking and lessons learned There are three library websites are selected in order to conduct a comparison with the Cleburne County Library. The analysis is going to demonstrate the content efficiency, navigation, labeling, organization, and usability. As a result, the analysis gives the strengths and weaknesses of the Cleburne County Library. Moreover, the comparisons concentrate on the following three queries; 1. How to make a successful connection between …show more content…

• Social networks have a special role in the library service programs. • The drop down menus and its sub menus play a significant role for a better navigation. • The homepage must include the important contextual links related to the library services and programs. • The home page should include the working hours, days, and address of the library. Websites Evaluated: 1. Dallas Public Library • The website pages have many contextual links that directs the users to know deep knowledge about a specific topic. • The Dallas Public Library blog detail is illustrated in the homepage. 2. The Williamson County Library • The website contents are well arranged with colorful tabs. • Social navigation outlets are the part of global navigation. 3. San Antonio Public Library • Social networking outlets are arranged in the homepage. • Upcoming events information is mentioned in the homepage with contextual links. 4. Cleburne County Public library, Arkansas • Contact details, working hours, and days are descriptively mentioned in the

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