Climax In Oscar Wilde's Importance Of Being Earnest

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Climax - Jack and Algernon have separately made arrangements with Dr. Chasuble to be christened as Ernest later that day. Both ladies reveal that the other has been deceived, as they are both to marry the same person. When it is revealed that neither Jack nor Algernon are Ernest, they both demand where Jack’s brother Ernest is, which forces Jack to admit that Ernest does not exist at all. There is a progressive build in the play that leads to this moment, this is achieved through increasing deception and confusion, essentially the characters continue to dig themselves deeper into the mess that both themselves and each-other has made, which ultimately leads to their own demise. Falling Action (Road from the climax to the resolution) …show more content…

According to ReviewEssays, Oscar Wilde’s intent was to “satirise and make fun of romantic situations that are far-fetched but also contain some reality in the conversations of his characters” (2011, under “Importance of Being Earnest- Research Paper”). Wilde is showing how people say one thing but act differently when under stress and/or in conflict. which could lead to the idea that Wilde is manipulating the audience’s ideals and emotions in showing that living an ordinary life is boring, which is ultimately the plays message in conjunction with the ridiculousness of the social obligations of the time. However, ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ has received reviews that described a lack of social messages, while think it perhaps is a culmination of Wilde’s career. The purpose of the play, according to Gradesaver, “Wilde’s references to the crucial issues of his time are usually overshadowed by his characters own petty problems” (2017, under “The Importance of Being Earnest Study Guide”). Wilde’s exploration of these characters and their problems makes the play quite humorous, perhaps he wanted to comment on the morbidity of society at the time. There are a range of themes present in the play such as, sincerity vs hypocrisy, leading a double life, life as art or fiction and the nature of marriage. These themes particularly look at the establishment of the Ernest persona’s and the irony of the …show more content…

Farce is a type of comedy that is believed to have originated in the comedic interludes of medieval French religious plays. Farce is a verbal and physical humour, expressed through deliberate character exaggeration. The purpose was to create a light-hearted atmosphere that would separate the serious drama. As stated on, Farce often uses “absurd and highly improbably events in the plot. Situations are humorous because of their ludicrous and often ridiculous nature” (2017, under “Farce”). Setting is important as the protagonist can often be at odds with the environment and they do not belong in the place of action. Farce can be found in Ancient Greek comedies and the plays of Shakespeare. Initial Ideas This play has a lot of dramatic potential. I don’t want to diverse too much from the original ideas presented in the play, apart from appropriating time, setting and changing character appearance. The themes and overall purpose are still relevant to today’s society and just as relevant to those from any age group. I want to focus largely on the setting and atmosphere of the play, in conjunction with the flamboyant characters as it will add extra comedic effect. NOTE: ADD