Clinical Integration In Healthcare Essay

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The nature of United States health care system is undergoing lot of changes. The steady increase in the cost of healthcare is one of the biggest concerns in the healthcare system that is affecting all clinical setting across the board. As a clinician who works mostly within the parameters of
Medicare and Medicaid guidelines for reimbursement, healthcare providers are getting more and more challenged with struggles of providing optimum care with increased responsibility for cost and quality control to survive financially in new market pressures. Public fund deficits in conjunction with aging population in this country demands better utilization of care in a cost effective way in future. According to Dranove (2000), in past several decades, the insurance …show more content…

Managed care system altered the marketing strategies of health care providers. According to Conklin, 2002, American health care system started seeing many changes that represented major shifts involved in moving from an indemnity plans, based primarily on what the patient wanted, to a managed care system that changed the course of direction of cost effective healthcare strategies. Hospitals and other healthcare institutions are changing the overall approach to reap higher dividends by integrating the services of clinicians. Clinical integration involves initiatives aimed at achieving greater coordination around a single clinical condition or procedure to fully-integrated hospital systems with closed staffs engaging in the most cost effective way in providing care to the patients, American Hospital Association. As far as home care setting is concerned, I can say that there were lot of changes occurred in patient care in last 5 years to improve revenue without compromising patient care. Evidence-based practice is one of the important elements that helped the clinicians to achieve therapy goals within the time limits. Precise documentation skills and