Clockwork Orange Symbolism

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The screenplay was written by Stanley Kubrick and is based on anthony Burgess’s book the clockwork orange.The structure of the film is divided into three different layers.The first layer introduces the audience to Alex and his need for violent debauchery,to a converted brainwashed man,and its ends with the audience asking the question if Alex changed or returned to being violent again.The film mainly relies on narration as it is told through the perspective of Alex.The dialogue is strange as it is made up of Nadsat with introduces old and new linguistic which is hard to follow. “Appy-polly-loggies. I had something of a pain in the gulliver so had to sleep.” this translate to Alex apologizing and states that he has a headache so he has to stay home. The most popular line “This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence” highlights the need for violence that he has as well as the term …show more content…

John Alcott was the primary cinematographer that pieced together the overall mood for A clockwork orange. The movie was shot on location for the majority of its scenes but there are exceptions. The avant- garde milk bar that Alex frequently visits was shot on a set. The milk bar is filled with writing on the walls as if it were a chalkboard and female mannequins used as furniture. John Barry was the primary set designer who created this pop art inspired