Clutch Poem Analysis

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People need to stop fighting one another. Fighting can make matters worse and fighting will hurt people even more than they anticipated. Instead of fighting, people should come together and resolve the problem which is much safer than fighting each other. People who do take the fighting route, often take a chance of leaving their family that they may never see again. To eliminate any chances, people should just get along with each other and talk about any problems that they may have. Furthermore, author Hunter J. Fowler who wrote the poem Clutches describes in his poem how a little boy is talking to his father and how his father has to get on a bus and go to Iraq to fight in the war. The boy seems very confused as to why his dad is going to go fight in the war, but later on in the poem when the father is talking on the phone to his family, he pauses because a mortar landed close to him and if it was a direct hit the father would have died. This is why fighting is not always the best idea and if the father did die than the family would have been sorrowful. Instead of fighting and taking a chance there are many other ways to handle the situation where no one has to get hurt and can return …show more content…

As said in The Tent Of Nations "If they won’t let us build, we’ll live in caves and if our children are merely shadows, our children will paint over their shadows in vibrant primary colors on the stoic rocks underground.” The Palestinian people are not fighting but are using many different ways to figure out a solution without fighting but expressing their feelings. Also in the poem, it talks about all the problems that could occur from the Israeli Defense Force and how the Palestinian people have found other ways of going around their