Coach Classification Essay

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In sports there are things we call, coaches, and coaches are the ones who lead our teams to victory. A coach is the one who settles the team down and gets them fired up before a game and will always be there in the end for their` players. Like all other things in the world there are different variations of the same thing, and coaches of sports are no exception. Society only sees things one dimensionally and doesn’t look into it with great detail or care, that his how they miss the different kinds of coaches there are. The three main types of coaches that step on the field or court and they are,” Strict Coach”, “Funny Coach”, and “Quiet Coach”. All of these coaches are respected in their locker rooms but will have different ways to go about things. “The Strict Coach” is the one the one who seems to be found out about the most in the media and the general public. The way he goes about practices is a no bull crap manner and demands perfection out of his players. The practices …show more content…

This is the coach that will think everything out and not really worry about the little things that are happening around him. The players have a hard time reading his expressions, because they never change. This type of coach is methodical and is a strategist when it comes to the practices or the games. When he walks into the gym or the field, he has the attention of the players from the moment he makes eye contact. Unlike the Strict Coach, this coach is laid back and encourages conversation but not to the jocose nature of the Funny Coach. Whenever there is a situation that arises that could jeopardize his methodical practice plan, he shifts gears and figures out a new way to go about it. Although he will not get loud and crazy or even tell a joke, his message will be delivered quietly and thoroughly with confidence and pride. The coach will always stick behind his players and help them out however he can without being

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