Code Of Ethics For The National Press Photographer Assossiation

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When it comes to photography, journalism and other public works of art, how does one feel about the moralality that this public work should follow? Should an artist just be able to display the work that he or she wants? The code of ethics for the National Press Photographer Assossiation states that photojournalist should maintain a high standard of codes only serving in the public interest. They feel that ‘a member shall present himself, his work, his premises in such a manner as will uphold and dignify his professional status and the reputation of the station.’ The same ethics are implied to combat journalism. Combat journalist have to follow the code of providing art that presents only in a professional way. Combat journalism is a journalist …show more content…

War is a concept that has information that does not need to be disclosed whether at the second or at all in general. For a journalist in war or a national disaster, he or she needs to have the compassion to write do to it being almost always where death is involved. Combat Journalism, Column: Taking the fight to the left by Mathew Continetti, helped provide the inside of combat journalism. The journalist served in a manner that provided effentent evidence to the population and readers while keeping sacred or extreme evidence to themselves. Continetti goes on to state that combat journalism in the decades of World War II caused for college degrees making them a requirement to work in harsh places during that time. They had to learn the ethics, what to say, where to be, what is disclosed and what is a critique issue. Even during the decade of World War II it was important for journalist to know what it was like to be in such a serious and emotional place. The education was needed to provide to journalist with the right information to succeed without going over a ethics that will upset the population or disclose information that was needed to be

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