Code Of Ethics In Sports

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Ethics and Sportsmanship There is a need for ethics and sportsmanship in athletic competition. It is evident that society places great value on competition and that those who coach and play serve as role models for those who aspire to be athletes themselves. However, today athletics, athletes, and athletic competition consistently fail to provide examples of ethical behavior and good sportsmanship. According to Lumpkin, Stoll, and Beller (2003), “It appears that the goal today in sport is to take out opponents physically, mentally, and emotionally, to play number two, and thus increase the chances of a win” (p. 63). Brown (2003) states: So many of the poor behaviors that occur are thought to be “part of the game,” emanating from a logical …show more content…

“A code of ethics is typically written by an association or organization to make the professional membership aware of principles of ethical behavior that should be followed in the practice of that particular profession” (Lumpkin, et al., 2003, p. 244). Lumpkin et al. (2003) further state, “As such, a code acts as a ready guide to help professionals make good ethical decisions” (p. 259). The South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association (SCCA) code of ethics identifies thirteen principles that set the expected standards of ethical behavior for its membership. Therefore, McGinley should use the SCCA’s code of ethics in evaluating this ethical dilemma. Three principles from the code of ethics are directly applicable to the dilemma. One, each member school “must display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat” (South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, 2015, “Code of Ethics,” para. 1). Second, member schools will “strive to develop in each athlete the qualities of leadership and good judgment” (South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, 2015, “Code of Ethics,” para. 1). Third, member schools will always “exemplify the highest moral character, behavior, and leadership” (South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, 2015, “Code of Ethics,” para. 1). Additionally, the introduction to the code of ethics notes, “Wins and losses are important, but the opportunity coaches have to develop character and integrity in their athletes is more important” (South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, 2015, “Introduction,” para. 1). This statement amplifies the SCCA’s mission statement “to promote, protect, and teach the student athletes of South Carolina” (South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association, 2015, “Introduction,” para.

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