Code Of Hammurabi Essay

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1- Define Common Law and what is the Code of Hammurabi? Common law is the body of law and juristic rules that was developed in England. Common Law are judicial decisions based on customs and precedent and is the bases of the United States legal system except Louisiana. Code of Hammurabi was a comprehensive series of laws that cover crimes, property rights, family law, and other civil matters. It also had rules protecting victim of crimes (Punishment by Retaliation) the punishment must fit the crime. 2- Discuss the various classifications of a crime. Mala in se, are crimes and considered morally wrong. Mala Prohibita, are crimes but not considered morally wrong. Then there are also Crimes against a person, Crimes against property, Sex crimes, Victimless crimes, Professional or White collar crimes, and Crimes against public order. 3- What is the difference between Criminal Law and Civil Law? Give examples. Criminal law is any act that can be punishable by Death, fines, and or by Incapacitation. Civil law is the financial reimbursement to a plaintiff by a defendant for any wrong doing that was brought on the plaintiff. Example is that if you beat someone up and go to prison you can still have to pay money to a plaintiff for beating the person up. …show more content…

Give examples of both. Substantive criminal law is the part of the Criminal law that creates and defines crimes and specifies punishment. Here is California Streets and Highways Code Procedural criminal law is the part of the criminal law that establishes the rules by which the accused is brought to trial. This is how the system will work from the start of an investigation to the release of the suspect from jail/

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