Codes And Conventions Of A Mouse Trap

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Expanded Definition of Traps Traps are used in many different situations whether you work with them or you have an infestation of pests. The word trap does not only mean something physical, but mental as well. Traps have been used all throughout history for as long as we have known. This is a simple diagram of how a mousetrap works. Traps that typically come to mind when the topic is discussed are animal or insect traps. The most common type of trap is a mouse trap. A mouse trap is known to be the simplest kind of trap there is, but it is often used because it works the best. In the late 1800’s, John Mast invented the “Snap-Trap.” This is the basic concept of a mouse trap where there is bait placed on the catch portion of the trap and once …show more content…

In the first colonies people would use trapping to get their food for their family. Along with using trapping to obtain food, people in the late 1700’s also used trapping as a way of making a living. They would obtain money through the fur retrieved from animals they've trapped. When money was not available, they could use the fur to trade with others for resources such as food, gold, and tools. According to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, “Trapping was, for a time, big business (Hunter, 2004, Pg. 5).” For example, in the 1800’s, in Europe, beaver hats were very common and were a huge business. This was until 1909 when Washington put a ban on beaver hunting temporarily because of a decrease in the beaver population. it was then allowed again in 1963 …show more content…

In plumbing, there are “U-shaped” and “S-shaped” traps that are used to “prevent the flow of air and gasses (c. Morris, 1992).” if you do not have any traps in your bathroom plumbing or any plumbing aside from your toilet which has a built in trap, you will start smelling the gases which is very harmful to your health. Aside from plumbing and harmful traps, there are also traps that governments use in other countries to protect their people and others from serious disease breakouts. For instance, when Ebola was becoming a major issue the cities would isolate the infected citizens from the rest of the area.this type of trapping is also called a "quarantine". This technique of trapping could also be used in Florida polytechnic universities situation. Where a zombie apocalypse is occurring at the school. The president could quarantine all of the infected students; separating them from the healthy students. It is also possible to say that someone is trapped in a mindset. All people have experienced someone that is not opened minded and willing to change their state of mind or except something different. To be closed minded is to not be accepting of other ideas. Saying that someone is trapped in a mindset is a figure of speech which is used to explain how someone is close minded and not willing to

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