
Codex Monologue

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As he was spiriting his legs felt like jelly. "I have to keep going," he thought. As he ran through the trees. He stumbled and in a fraction of a second so not to lose Vance. The shrubs and trees suddenly ended and before him, he saw a cliff and Vance neared the end. "If I can force him to the end then I could capture him and force him to give the codex over, throw get him to jail, but he has a knife. I don't have enough strength in my condition to overpower him." He decided on a plan and then continued to the ledge. Vance had been running near the edge trying to find a way to outmaneuver him. Then he suddenly slipped, all of his body just disappeared in a millisecond. _______ ran after him to see what happened. Vance was clenching to the edge of the cliff, just barely hanging on. In the left hand, he had the codex and in the other, he was gripping, as hard as possible to the edge. __ reached out a hand, "Come on just grab on," "I can't, all of my life work, my revenge is in my hands, If I grab on I'll have to drop it." "No, you won't, all you have to do is just give me the codex and …show more content…

Some Christians pass out in church just from the fact that they thought, they had seen Jesus. But if she didn't then what was the whole point of risking their lives, multiple times, just for nothing. But for that same reason, people waged war over so little things. Like people today are still being persecuted for their religion. The holocaust, so many people, dead. Unjustifiably because of their religion, or appearance. The dehumanization of a religion usually turns into violence or other forms of persecution. In many countries, religious persecution has resulted in so much violence that it is a human rights problem. But religion also gave the human race reason to be good to others and not to commit heinous crimes like rape or

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