Cognitive Behavior Therapy Essay

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Therapy is successful for many clients. Throughout this essay I will be looking at two different counselling perspectives: existential therapy and cognitive behavior therapy. In addition, I will be looking at the key principles to these approaches. I will also be assessing my role as a counselor who will facilitate in the therapy and we will also consider what the clients’ role will be in the counseling appraisal and why it will be helpful to him in the future. Through this essay we will be applying two different counseling perspectives, (a) Existential therapy and (b) Cognitive behavior therapy to Joel, a 36-year-old successful corporate lawyer who is married to Anna and has a one-year old son, Oliver. Joel seems dissatisfied with his life …show more content…

I would also be discussing Joel’s dreams and how they make him feel (Baker cited in Beebe et al. 2014. p.201; Beebe et al. 2014. pp.130-134; McLeod. 2007. pp.111-113; Yalom cited in Corey 2013. p139). The second counseling perspective I will be looking at for Joel is cognitive behaviour therapy; the key principal in cognitive behavior therapy although seen as another approach to psychotherapy is a way to assist in the introduction, re-organization of ones self-statements with corresponding re-organization of ones own behavior. I will be using CBT as it is based on a model that imparts confronting beliefs and opinions, and feelings and how to approach change. The client becomes aware and directs or develops the skill to evaluate and change these faulty judgments. Cognitive behavior therapy recognizes that people have the ability to self-preservation, happiness, thinking, talking, communicating, growth and self-actualization, therefore approaching Joel with CBT techniques that will assist in the recognition and connection of suppressed emotions and the emotional connections he now has in his life, relationships, job and place in the universe (Erikson cited in Corey, 2013, p. 69; Freud cited in Corey, 2013, pp. 64-66; Corey, 2009; McLeod,

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