Cognitive Learning Theory Essay

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Cognitive Development

Cognitive theories of learning focus on the idea that each person does not necessarily view the same environment in the same way. They explore how individual differences in knowledge and experience influence how we interpret our environment and what we learn as a result. Knowledge is constructed by the learner and influenced by the learner’s previous experience.
Development of Cognitive learning Theory
Among the behaviourist psychologists were many who doubted the very existence of mind and consciousness: these were, at best, redundant concepts, having no place in a scientific explanation of human behaviour. Cognitive psychologists hold, on the contrary, that these concepts are necessary for an understanding of the human …show more content…

Neural pathways are at play as we engage with life, experiencing it. Notably, brain power energises and maintains our engagement through what educators see as motivation and knowledge of what to do. In turn, it is developed by the same engagement in which new ways of thinking are needed. This happens if we are to extend lists of what we already know about something or other – or descriptions and explanations of them, or to find and fit clever solution to a presenting problem, or to imagine what problems our presenting information might address. It happens also where our learning experience raises issues of causation by drawing evidence together or considering what effects or consequences follow from what we have just learned, or, when we are using our brains (Blakemore & Frith, 2005). It shows in the capable and sophisticated ways that we communicate and …show more content…

Through social guidance and cooperative dialogue, students acquire skills and knowledge. From this point of view, cognitive development is the gradual acquisition of skills, knowledge and expertise. By examining Vygotsky’s theory, educators learn that cognitive growth is a socially mediated activity that occurs in a context of social interaction. Knowing this, teachers can offer students social guidance to help them develop the kind of thinking they need to become effective participants in their