Cognitive Dissonance Theory In Social Psychology

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One of the most interesting subjects that depicts many explanations about human behavior is psychology. Every human being tends to have a distinct behavior, depending on the situation that he or she was exposed to. The presence of other human beings cause the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the person to be controlled or influenced. There is a considerable amount of factors in which the actions of human beings around them are responsible for the process of making their decisions. Therefore, finding an explanation through psychology, for the different specific reactions that human beings exhibit is important. Social psychology is an important sector of psychology that takes interpersonal relationships into consideration. Over the years, many theories have been developed to aid in explaining human behavior, especially ones that administer social experiences. The main focus of this assignment is the analysis of the cognitive dissonance theory in social psychology. Cognitive dissonance theory attempts to explain the human behavior through cognition, in which individuals always look for stability in their attitudes and behaviors (Festinger, 1985). In which, if this stability was disrupted then changes to their actions must occur in order for the dissonance created from their behaviors or attitudes to be restored. The uncomfortable feelings produced as a result of dissonance cause alteration in the person’s beliefs which aid in the relief of uncomfortable feelings created

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