Colin Powell Leadership Style Analysis

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B. Leadership Styles Whether he envisioned his impressive future or not, his leadership skills ultimately guided his career trajectory (Lopez, 2014). Powell’s leadership styles allowed him to contribute in guiding his country to the right decisions. While in the administrative office, he shared his thoughts about the conflicts in some Middle East countries, weapons of mass destruction, and the country’s intelligence information capacity. Guided by his leadership styles, he was able to create plans that could be effective in ensuring peace and order to his country. Despite the difficulties, politicians and foreign leaders encounter, for Powell, effective leadership comes from those who have the ability to inspire a population …show more content…

The Colin Powell's 13 rules of leadership are: 1. It ain't as bad as you think; 2. Get mad, then get over it; 3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it; 4. It can be done; 5. Be careful what you choose. You may get it; 6. Don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision; 7. You can't make someone else's choices; 8. Check small things; 9. Share credit; 10. Remain calm. Be kind; 11. Have a vision; 12. Don't take counsel of your fears or naysayers; 13. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. Based on these rules, Powell’s view on leadership could be compared to the maverick leaders, George Washington, in particular. Even when he followed his 13 signature rules, there were complexities in Mr. Powell’s career as secretary of state (Lopez, 2014). His career as a secretary of state made him a highly transformational person who could help other leaders in choosing the things that could benefit many. Powell placed an emphasis on reaffirming diplomatic alliances worldwide by means of peace efforts in the Middle East and his support to the national missile defense system. To reinvigorated U.S diplomacy through several reforms pointing in culture, technology, facilities, and security was among his goals. He also focused on improving bilateral relationships and his initiatives in settling various crisis such as in …show more content…

The rule number four of Powell says, ‘it can be done’ wherein he explained that “leaders are about making things happen; they continually ask when faced with the improbable; while one approach may not be the greatest way to do it, perhaps it can be done another way; therefore find the other way to make it happen!” Powell believes that determined leaders are the ones who could make better changes. No matter how hard the things are for, great leaders know how to innovate solution and achieve common goals. In his rule number ten, remaining calm is very important; “it is hard for a leader to inspire confidence and resilience in others if he cannot keep his composure in times of difficulty; it is hard for a leader to garner loyalty from others if he treats them badly; remain calm and be kind and your team will climb mountains for you!” Powell’s leadership qualities incorporate calmness and serenity, especially when facing great tribulation. As a leader, he inspired his men to think more than twice in making decisions and to remain calm in the midst of emotional