
Cultural Collectivism Essay

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American society is one where more people who openly acknowledge their ego (From the Greek word “I”) by using pronouns like I, my, mine, and me. This does not mean that we lack altruism or lack the capability of helping others, but it rather implies that we put our needs first. However, despite these cost, individualistic societies still have many people who have the means of enjoying themselves. Western societies are very pleasure-driven. Countries with a sense of Individuality feel more socially free, not confined to coarse values. Conformism is takes away from both social and economic freedom. Women’s rights, as an example, comes from the notion of freedom, and many nations today have women that work and make money. Collectivist societies do, in fact, have things that make them seem likeable. The idea of a community where everyone has the same ethics is socially appealing. The morals are very much understood by everyone in that society. If stealing is looked down upon, no one in the collective conscious would do it. This form of “cultural collectivism” is more common in many parts of the Oriental World (East Asia and parts of Central Asia). In the Oriental nations, people are raised with the common morals of their society. Even modern Japan, being a relatively free country with a fair amount of social and economic freedom, still has the …show more content…

A collectivist society may ostracize people for having a different opinion actually makes those people feel extremely isolated by society. This may be one of the many reasons why suicide rates are higher in most of Europe and Asia than in America. I personally, believe that socially alienating people, simply for being different, is dangerous because it breeds a radical sense of conformism - stamping out different opinions like a totalitarian regime. A society that shuns people for being different has social issues because of these

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