College Admissions Essay: A Career As A College Student

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When I grow up, I want to be an accountant, and to be one, I must be used to laptops. For that reason and many more, I feel that I deserve a laptop more than everybody else. To start, AVID has helped me during the school year in many ways. One of them is keeping me organized. Before I got into AVID, I had papers thrown into my backpack and loose paper in my pockets. But now that I am in AVID, I am more organized than I used to and have everything hole punched into my binder. Another reason is tutorials are helping me understand how to do problems or assignments that I didn't know how to do. Before I did tutorials, I would get stuck on something I didn't know, but now, after tutorials, I started to understand more, and my grades have been showing it too. These are a few ways AVID has helped me during the school year. …show more content…

I think it is important to have a college education because it opens the doors to opportunities that I probably would not have otherwise. Also, it helps raise college graduates' income throughout the rest of their lives. In a 2011 report produced by the American Community Survey that was released by the U.S. Census Bureau stated that those who held a bachelor's degree were expected to earn 40-year lifetime salary of 2.4 million dollars on average, while high school graduates only took a lifetime salary of 1.4 million dollars. In addition, college students often develop the reasoning skills needed to make life decisions like buying a home. Another reason why college is important to me is because it can help me prepare myself for my career. That further increases your chances of a good income. These are some of the many reasons why college and a college education are important to

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