College Admissions Essay

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Telecommunication metamorphosis engendered astonishing transformations focusing consumer, society, business and economics, likewise, served a pivotal role sculpting everybody and impelled to think “Telecom,” past two decades. Equally Important, meritorious telecom revolution spearheaded by numerous visionaries, research scientists, propelled echelons of success and furthermore, continuing their effort incredibly! Especially, take opportunity expressing my gratitude to the entire fraternity for substantive contribution to the domain. Furthermore, future, by all means, belongs to emerging technologies in Telecom; name a few, emergence of the virtual world integrating human sensory systems. Similarly, machine-to-machine communications, wearable, …show more content…

However, to redress these concerns, evidently, I requisite absorbing advanced skills, modern technology and management techniques. Indeed, MS in Telecommunications (ENTS) from the esteemed University of Maryland at College Park, uniquely, conforming to my career aspirations. Moreover, having an impeccable fusion of management and technical courses, truly interdisciplinary in nature, as well as, the University has the reputation for grooming strong, high caliber professionals. Furthermore, courses ensure, developing competencies for every facet of technical and management function. MS in Telecommunications (ENTS) program, in fact, focuses on practical and classroom teaching coupled with interdisciplinary curriculum exposure; certainly enrich my studies and knowledge. Whereas, to believe that advanced classes in, Wireless Communications and Networks truly outstanding, offered by ENTS, the University of Maryland at College Park in the USA. While, courses formulated for telecom graduates in collaboration with Smith Business School, significantly, benefits the student to acquire managerial skills, stands out from the crowd. Equipped with the graduate program of this world famous University, position me ahead of peers and contribute to the domain and society while making a satisfying career for …show more content…

Initially, focus, understanding functions and systems, business and management practices, at the same time, synchronize with goals and missions of the organization, reform and seek opportunistic diversification and facilitate research to achieve results. Subsequently, share the learning of graduate studies and value addition to systems and practices in entirety at peer level and workplace. In addition, constantly update and upgrade my knowledge and capabilities, to spur growth and assume higher

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