College Admissions Essay: Growing Up In A Small Town

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Living in a small town has motivated me to try my hardest at an early point in my life. I had just moved in and I wanted to be known for something. Through my years living in Avon I learned that I could achieve great things and be recognized. Ever since then I have continued to try and surpass the achievements I have once set. Growing up in a small class in a small community has made me strive to be recognized for great achievements. In a small town you are going to be recognized by the community, you cannot go unnoticed. However this allows you to make a choice to choose how you are going to stand out. This fact has encouraged me to try my hardest through every aspect of my life to try and make a good name for myself in the community. Knowing that I will be recognized for what I do throughout a greater audience of people for …show more content…

This has led to me being featured in local publications for reading, fishing, service, theatre, and other after school activities. These publications have not only heightened the quality of my name, it has also given me self-confidence. I know that I have been able to succeed in my interests in the past and that I can assuredly succeed whenever I put my mind to it. I have also felt encouraged by my community to work harder at improving myself throughout the years. I want to not only make a name for myself, but for my community. Throughout my life in Avon I had begun to foster pride for the town, it was proud of me for my achievements and encouraged me to continue on with making a difference. I, in turn, started to feel that way for the town. It wasn’t just myself I was elevating through my accomplishments, I was contributing to the town. Through my achievements I set something for others to try to outshine. This becomes a cycle of people trying to do their best, each setting each other up for success through a friendly sort of