Mrs. Sobba Inspired Me Mrs. Sobba is an individual who has inspired me multiple times throughout my life. I may have not known it at first during my life, yet major time of inspiration being when she taught my Algebra I class the quadratic formula. That moment was the time I thought I would want to be a math teacher. I have always had a passion for doing math, as all people know, yet when I came to Mrs. Sobba’s class, the whole idea of being a teacher changed drastically. I entered her classroom, and was optimistic, since I had heard the year before about her amazing teaching methods. I knew that the whole year would be amazing, which it was. I just knew that if I would really want to do something with Math, I would need to pay close attention, which wasn’t difficult, as I said before with her affective teaching styles. …show more content…
I was amazed by how well she truly taught. The moment came when Mrs. Sobba taught the class the quadratic formula. She taught this formula through this amazing song set to the Flintstones. She sang, “Negative B, plus or minus, square root B squared minus four A C, all, over two A, that’s the quadratic formulee.” The Formulee was done on purpose for the purpose of rhyming. As a sat and watched, I thought how amazing and passionate she really was about teaching, and thought to myself on how I could be that talented if I gave it my all. I solved those equations with even more passion than I had ever had, getting a thrill out of doing