College Admissions Essay: The Boy Who Changed My Life

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There are days where I look back and wonder how I got to where I’m at today. It seems like just yesterday that I was a 5 year old boy, having the time of his life. It is happening again today. When I was 5 years old, there was not much I had to worry about. My parents would give me shelter, food, money, and a phone. There’s always someone to play a good game of catch with. Looking back, there’s advice I’d give to my 5 year old self. To be a sharer: As a young boy, it seemed like my toys were my toys and no one could borrow them. This came out of an attitude of greed and put a lot of people off. When you share, you create connections with people. Be more focused on relationships: Good grades and perfect attendance were really important to me …show more content…

Find friends who are doing and going to do great things. Build those relationships that will last a lifetime. Ever since elementary and most of my middle school years, I have tried to hide my introversion. I forced myself out of my comfort zone time and time again by attending medium size parties and joining in conversations I had no interest in. Until, my 8th grade year is where I escaped my zone with the help of my close friends. I was assigned to a science project where I did not know anyone in that group. I was super scared to not go do and to tell the teacher I didn’t want to be with them. But that day, I decided to give it a shot, so towards the end of the project, I learned that I shouldn’t be scared to talk to others that making new friends building relationships will last forever. They invited to parties and events that they were doing with their friends. I even made more friends by going to these events. I couldn’t be any more happier. It led me to doing great things such as building a better relationship with my current friends, interacting with other people by helping by community by volunteering at my local Lenoir soup Kitchen and Habitat for Humanity, where I Assisted the manager with daily operations and improved the organization of inventory at the Restore, and assisting kids at my church called