College Essay About Photography

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How many years have you been a professional photographer? This can be a difficult question to answer; I started getting paid for my photography work as early as fifteen (which would mean ten years of professional work), but started my first full-time photography job when I was seventeen, which makes it eight years. What tools/digital programs (ex: Photoshop Lightroom) do you require to help create stunning photography? Why do these programs matter? My go-to program is Adobe Lightroom. I use it to cull and edit my images -- two things that are easily streamlined by the program. If I have work that needs heavier retouching, such as a more advanced clone job, I go to Photoshop. I was introduced to LR a few years ago; it's an incredibly well thought out program for photographers. It makes editing a breeze, and has almost every tool necessary to turn a photo from "simple" to "stunning" without it being too laborious. As previously mentioned, Photoshop is another great photo-editing program; while it's not as streamlined for quick editing, it has the tools needed for highly detailed post-processing. …show more content…

Watch those who inspire you and mimic their actions. Soon, your own style and knowledge will begin to grow. In my own life, I started taking pictures when I was eleven -- encouraged by a family friend who said I saw things in an interesting way. I continued to follow my passion for years, always carrying my camera with me. I was active on art-forums, where I shared my art and viewed art made by others. I quickly found myself taking college classes for it, eventually becoming a photographer for the Washington State Legislature. I never imagined myself working at such a prestigious place, considering my love for photography originated from a single photograph of hammock strings. What I mean to say is: don't limit yourself; what you're shooting today may not be what you shoot tomorrow, and that's

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