College Essay About Racism

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Racism is one of the most talked about topics in the entire world being the cause of many different conflicts between people on this planet e.g. the conflict between the police and public in America due to the unnecessary shootings/murders. However Racism is also an easily misunderstood topic. It effects a large majority of the people in this world making them feel uncomfortable in their own skin and forcing them to want to feel different. Although so many people are racist or are victims of racism, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they understand the idea of it and even if a large population of the world are still looked down upon by others today, we have come so far in treating each other as equals, and not judging one another on what we look like.
Racism has always had a huge impact on my life and it most likely always will. I …show more content…

Often whenever you watch a movie on Racism, who is depicted as the bad guy and the racist person? Someone who is white. But this isn’t necessarily the case all the time. Anyone can be racist no matter their beliefs, colour, ethnicity or race; anyone is capable of making another human being feel crap about the way they look. And the fact that most people think that only white people are racist is basically just as bad as making fun or someone’s skin colour or facial features. In my opinion, the only reason as to why people think this is because of people like Donald Trump for example who decides on his own that he wants to represent an entire race and country with his own negative, racist and plain stupid comments. And the same goes with Muslims; just because ISIS is showing a huge threat to the world, people are automatically thinking that all Muslims are terrorists, with people calling the cops on an innocent man because he ‘looked’ like a terrorist. The famous quote, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, couldn’t be any more

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