College Essay On Allergies

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Allergies are never fun no matter what type of sensitivity a person might be suffering from. I happen to suffer from food allergies, and have my entire life. Although I didn't find out until I was in my early twenties, the effects that some foods have on my body, have always been something that I have unnecessarily suffered from. I remember the day quiet vividly when the Dr. told me that I needed to change my diet in order to have relief in my life. Although I didn’t know it at the time, that happened to be the very moment that shifted me into the pursuit of health through knowledge of how allergies can truly affect the human body. As I grew and gained more knowledge about how to manage my own allergies, my compassion and understanding of what other people might be going through also matured. This really led me to want to work with people who also suffer from allergies, to pursue at that time a nutrition degree which would allow me to help educate others about what foods might be causing their bodies to react negatively. However when I started through the processes of working into a nutrition program, it was essential for me to take a chemistry series that within it required a quarter of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and …show more content…

I literally went home after all my classes and read everything that I could find about the topics that we were covering, as well as continually communicated with my professor who inspired me to explore more knowledge within the curriculum. My curiosity of all histamine reactions began to deepen, and I became even more interested in the way that allergies are diagnosed, instead of remedied with a diet. This is when I decided that I needed to pursue allergies at a deeper level, that I needed to seek a degree that will allow me to use scientific methods, and research to help people discover their

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