College Essay On Lung Cancer

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How common is lung cancer? Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers amongst men and women, and has taken many lives of people worldwide. Lung cancer is found mostly in older people ranging from 65 years of age and older, it however can occur at any age in a person’s body. How common is lung cancer amongst men? Lung cancer is extremely common in men, and is the number one cause of cancer deaths. The average age for men to be diagnosed with lung cancer is usually at an older age of 71 and over. How common is lung cancer amongst women? Lung cancer is the second most common cancer for women to be diagnosed with. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of lung cancer for a women at an older age to be diagnosed with, this type of cancer makes it easier to detect if the lung cancer symptoms. How can a person reduce the risk of getting lung cancer: A few ways to reduce the risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer: • It …show more content…

She was devastated, and due to her being in the cancer field, she automatically assumed she was going to die. Pam Trombero was in treatment for about 7 months, she had many different types of treatment, such as chemotherapy, then surgery to remove part of her lung and also drugs. She had many side effects due to the drugs being so strong, such as hair loss, fatigue, constipation and taste changes, she was later cured of lung cancer. Pam Trombero now helps cancer patients with their journey, by mentoring them through and after their cancer treatment. She goes once a year for a check up to ensure that there are no signs of

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