
Colombia Social Problems

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Immigration is one of the biggest social problems Colombia has had since the late 1900’s. Immigration is a process where people leave their home country or region to establish a new home in another place. Initially, the main destinations Colombians chose to emigrate were the United States and Spain. Near the end of the 1900’s, among all the developed countries, the United States was the one accepting the most immigrants (Datesman, Cramdall, Keanny 5). Lately, other countries like Italy, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica and Israel have become favorite destinations for many Colombians. There are many reasons why people leave Colombia. However, the most relevant are poverty, violence and unemployment.
There is a lot of poverty in Colombia. Poverty happens when people do not have enough resources to meet at least their physical needs. They are also considered essential needs. It is assumed that the government must assure that all individuals meet at least their physical needs. Nevertheless, the Colombian government is …show more content…

FARC is one of the world’s richest guerrillas armies. Their income is the result of murders, kidnappings, illegal drug trade, extortion, activation of bombs, and attacks leaving many deaths in the country. In 2000, many people in Colombia were kidnapped because of their beliefs or wealth, others because they were present when the guerrilla was stopping people on the roads. In the last 10 years, the number of kidnappings has decreased. Extortion is one of the biggest social problems Colombia has. There are different kinds of extortion. The most popular is where the victims are the owners of small businesses. These people are forced to make daily payments; otherwise, they are

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