Colonel Graff Quotes

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From a point of view, I would say that Colonel Graff is like a guide to Ender, relating to the fact of his overall planning for Ender to defeat the Formics. Graff planned Ender’s future and his next steps ahead of him by isolating him to the point where he could control Ender. ”’Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given you by good people, by people who love you’” (313). In this quote, Valentine explains to Ender her view of human life. She is telling him that he must look past the fact that people have used him throughout his life. She says that everyone uses everyone else, and it is not possible to simply follow your own path. However, we can choose to follow a path that someone we love has set out before us. The things that the ones we love want us to do may be good for us, and it may even be what we want to do. Soon, Ender realizes Valentine was right. The loneliness that Graff created stuck with him made him stronger and helped him find his true self. Graff did all he had done to Ender so he could have a future and if Graff didn’t isolate Ender, Ender might not have been that sturdy and alert as he is now. At the end, Ender counted Graff as his friend and half a dad even though …show more content…

Mazer taught Ender everything he needed to know about the Formics and how he destroyed them in the First Invasion. Mazer, like Graff pressured Ender to work and at the same time succeed. “For the first time in his life, a teacher was pointing out things that Ender had not already seen for himself. For the first time, Ender had found a living mind he could admire” (265). Ender enjoyed having Mazer as his teacher who guided him through his mistakes and taught things that Ender didn’t even know. Although after the war, Ender disagreed with the way Mazer handled things, Mazer was his teacher and one of main reasons how Ender succeeded in so many simulated

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