
Colonel Nagayoshi: A Personal Narrative Of My Life

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I sweat in the hot sun, the blazing heat on my skin while I work on the garden. The garden is a private domain for Colonel Nagayoshi. If he didn’t invite you into the garden then you weren’t allowed to be there. He used the space to practice with his sword. The one and only thing that was on my mind most of the time was the urge to escape but I know that I just have to stay put so that my father won’t be beaten for my actions or beheaded. I have to finish my required work or the Japanese won’t give me food. I finish and then go get some rest for another day of hard labor. My name is Nick, and I am Nervous, constantly worrying about my father, and I am a typical 14 year old boy who was sent to Burma up in Hawks Nest by my mom. It’s 1941 …show more content…

I was just doing my work as normal making the garden look nice. When Colonel Nagayoshi was finished with his exercises he was talking to Sonji, so I started my way over there at a reasonable pace to make sure that I was still getting work done. I don’t know what happened all I was doing was trying to translate what they were saying but then something inside of me snapped. I just felt this boiling rage inside me that I had to get out. I told the Colonel that he was a liar and had no honor, I asked him if he was ever going to send me to India and before I knew it his sword came out of his scabbard like a lightning bolt. I would have been dead if Bukong didn’t overhear and step right in with his cane and start beating me. I was certain, with tears rushing down my cheeks and pain going throughout my body, that I was a dead man. Thankfully Sonji pulled the crazy man off of me. It took me three days to recover and when I was well enough they forced me to beg for forgiveness which I did for a good several minutes. Nagayoshi didn’t even have a reasonable reaction and just got up and leaved. This was so humiliating I felt as if I was there for 10

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