Colonial Williamsburg Website Summary

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The “Colonial Williamsburg” website gave an overview of how the American Revolution has shaped our world today. The website included information over the life, clothing, people, and even the Colonial Williamsburg Garden. I found four different factors from the website that were quite interesting during the time of the American Revolution. The first factor involved the experiences of life during the American Revolution. I found the section about the different animals really interesting since I love animals. The main idea in the article was about the Colonial Williamsburg program for rare breeds. This program began in 1986 and had the purpose for preserving genetic diversity in livestock. The top breeds included in the program consisted of Leicester Long Wool Sheep, American Cream Draft Horses, and America Milking Red Devon’s. Those were only some of the breeds included, the website gave a total of eight different types of animals. But, I found these three breeds the most fascinating because I have not really seen or heard much about them in my life. The Leicester Long Wool Sheep was used to sell wool for hand spinners, weavers, felters, and doll makers for hair and beards. Having long, …show more content…

I began to read about our first lady, George Washington’s wife. Washington’s wife was Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. George Washington was not her first marriage though, originally she was married to Daniel Custis. I found this piece of information interesting because I had no idea who she was married to before George. While married to Custis, Martha had four children and two died at very young age and suddenly at age twenty six her husband died. At twenty eight, Martha married George Washington and would often travel beside him during the times of war. Martha Washington was a strong women who had been through so much during her lifetime, dealing with deaths and supporting her