War Veterans

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War Veterans risked their lives fighting for our country, but after the war, they struggle to adjust back to normal life. Many soldiers go through hell on Earth fighting for our country, and witness unimaginable scenes and acts of inhumanity that scar them for life. Nevertheless, when they get back from the war, they still struggle with society along with being unable to cope with their war experiences. They become extremely paranoid and strictly follow the rules and tactics they learned in the military. Most of the time they are unable to adjust back to an ordinary lifestyle. Therefore, war veterans will always be in “combat mode”, and treatment with War Veterans must enhance, including how society respects them and how they help them recuperate. …show more content…

The Odyssey describes the adventures of Odysseus and his men as they attempt to return to their home, Ithaca. Odysseus is away from home for twenty years, fighting in the Trojan War. He experiences unimaginable scenes and he comes home to find a large number of suitors trying to get his wife to marry them thinking that Odysseus is dead. Consequently, Odysseus then mercilessly kills all of them with the help of his son. Soldiers stay in “combat mode” because they’ve witnessed some pretty gruesome scenes. “... In one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hand like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor. Then he dismembered them and made his meal, gaping and crunching like a mountain lion… We cried aloud…. Powerless.” Anyone put through this would probably be seriously messed up, because of how horrifying and inhumane this is. No one should be put through this, and this shows that war veterans who suffer from PTSD have witnessed some shockingly horrifying incidents. Moreover, The Odyssey also shows that War veterans will use the skills they learned in combat for the rest of their lives. “And Odysseus took his time, turning his bow, tapping it, every inch, for the borings that termites might have made while the master of the weapon was aboard…. While he had arrows he aimed and shot, and every shot brought down one of his huddling enemies.” ( Homer ) After getting home from the war, Odysseus uses his skills to kill all of the suitors. This shows that war veterans remain in combat mode and use their skills in situations at home when needed. War veterans will forever carry the knowledge and experience they get from going off to war. Recognition of this problem can help veterans as they try to return to their pre-war