Command Economy

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"The needs of the poor take priority over the desires of the rich; the rights of workers over the maximization of profits; the preservation of the environment over uncontrolled industrial expansion; the production to meet social needs over production for military purposes."
Do you agree?
In our world there is a limited amount of resources to meet the unlimited needs and wants of society. This scarcity of resources such as land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship for the production of goods and services forces society to make choices. In the context of this quotation it means to decide if the resources should be used to satisfy the needs of society or the needs of the individual.
The needs of society should take priority over the needs of the individual. …show more content…

In a command economy where the government makes all the decisions about production and controls the allocation of scare resources, everybody should have access to services and the government’s protection. For example, in order to improve access to health care for the poor people, which is very essential, the limited resources should be used to build a hospital rather than another private factory to increase the efficiency of production for few individuals. In a market economy where there is no intervention by the government and all production is in private hands, citizens are focused on producing goods as efficiently as possible to make the best attainable profit for themselves without caring about improving society’s infrastructure. Furthermore, caring only about the desires of the rich people, increases the strained relations between poor and rich. The better way to use all the human resources would be to help the poor people out of poverty and reach advancement through work and