Commission Suicide And Its Effects On Human Psychology

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3. Aims.

The purpose of the research project was to identify the effect of Facebook to human psychology and the ability to push people to commit suicide. The aim was to find out about how much local people know about the issue of commission suicide and their opinions about the need to respond practically.
Therefore, in this research the main research questions were:
• What are the reasons to commission suicide?
• How it effect to the future of countries that already has this problem?
• How do suicide rates compare between men and women?
The outcomes of the research were intended to increase understanding about causes of commission suicide and to show the way preventing from that. From my point of view, using this research report I can …show more content…

• What are the reasons to commission suicide?
During the research I have found many interesting facts, statistics and dates all about commission suicide because of using Facebook. Also about influences to human psychology and the reasons of pushing to suicide. There are were many reasons, such us: stress, psychological distress, losing mood, dependence, depression, and so on so force. I was taken a survey from 100 respondents. The results also show that when people use Facebook could feel psychological negatives .The majority of people think, that those reasons are more likely to commit suicide.
• How it effect to the future of countries that already has this problem?
From my perspective, commission suicide can affect to demography of each country. Because, when people commit suicide, the rate of demography will decrease. As well as, the majority of people will have psychological illnesses
• How do suicide rates compare between men and …show more content…

At first I thought that women are more emotional and basically have the ability to commit suicide. However, studies have shown that women are simply more likely to attempt suicide as men, mostly suicide. Moreover, as research has shown that four times more men than women commit suicide, although women report attempting suicide during their lifetime about three times more often than men. And also, the reasons for the commission of suicide as determined. There are many reasons such us: stress, depression and psychological distress. But in the future, this study will not stop, because in the first use of Facebook is already done more in human psychology. If this has implications for human psychology, it means that Facebook has the ability to change our lives completely. This means that it will affect education. It's so

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