Common Core State Standards Essay

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The United States Common Core State Standards for Education
The Common Core State Standards is a controversial subject among educators, parents and general public. What most people do not realize is state standards have been around since the 1900’S, and every state has had their own standards in the early 2000’s. Each state standard has levels or benchmarks, which state what the student should be proficient in per grade level. Most of these standards are in place for third grade through high school. Even though each state had their own standards, there were concerns about the equalizations of standards among all the students in the United States. In 2007 this concern was raised at an annual meeting of the Council of Chief State School Office. The concern of equalization of standards was one of the key reasons the Council of Chief State School Office and the National Governors Association started working together to develop the Common Core State Standard. …show more content…

In 2008 recommendations for states to upgrade their standards by adopting an international common core standard, was given to the states by an advisory group made up of state education chiefs, governors, and leading education researchers. The recommended benchmarks would ensue that Untied State students would be more globally knowledgeable. Forty-eight states joined the effort to develop a Common Core State Standard in 2009. The first draft was released to state educator agencies and teachers. The advisory board received many comments back. These comments were used for editing and revising the original draft. After a few more years of development, and when process was finishing, several states began to voluntarily adopt the Common Core State Standard. As of today forty two states, four territories, the District of Columbian, and the Department of Defense Education Activity have implemented the