As I interacted with my classmates, I found myself focusing on a few key attributes of the other people including their non-verbal communication and traits that we might both share. I also asked them about their major and their extra-curricular activities to begin to form my opinion of them. Non-verbal communication was extremely important because both of us as "actors" ,as Goffman characterized people interacting, would try to portray ourselves as pleasant individuals with whom to interact. I would smile and use non-verbal communication while simultaneously reading the other person 's non-verbal communication. By analyzing our communication using Goffman 's theory of dramaturgy, I realized that the reason I found myself focusing on commonalities between myself and the person with whom I was interacting was so that I could figure out which part I was to play in the interaction. For example, one of my fellow classmates was a forensic science major like myself so that is the mask that I as an "actor" put on. We spoke about …show more content…
The role or status that I took on was a happy, enthusiastic female college freshman. Characteristics are definitely an important part of my portrayal of myself. One of my classmates even commented on how "bubbly" I was. Prior to this particular interaction I had never given much thought to how I inadvertently portrayed myself to other people as extremely happy even if I wasn 't feeling very jovial. I believe that this is subconsciously because I feel like if I don 't pretend to be then people will begin to ask what is wrong and begin to see behind the mask. I believe the most crucial part of this portrayal is your manner of interacting such as smiling, asking questions and truly engaging in the interaction, and your energy level. This is actually a fairly common occurrence among people. If they are asked by a stranger or acquaintance how they are doing, they will most likely reply that they are fine and ask about the other person out of