Communism In Zamyatin's We

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When discussing dystopian fiction Yegevnys Zamyatin’s We is one that has paved the way for works like Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, and many others. Moreover, in addition to the works mentioned Zamyatin has had specific ideas closely related to Marx and Lenin. With the absence of private property and a revolving door of revolutions it seems that conflict would have been eliminated However, the critiques of communism also agree with Svitak and Hayeks way of thinking. Conflict is not eliminated according to critics because the terror of individuals from the government and the lack of private property causes more harm than good. These different ideologies have different ways to achieve not only the perfect society but also happiness of individuals …show more content…

However, for Lenin the working class was incapable of achieving socialism and then communism without leaders. The transition from capitalist society, developing towards a communist society, is impossible without a ‘political transition period’ ” (6). We can see these stages that occur after capitalism: socialism and communism in Zamyatins’ We when D-503 refers to the ancient world. However, Lenin makes the observation that it is impossible to refer to the ancient contemporary world when factors are still brought up in the present “rationale” period. For Lenin the jump from capitalism to communism was effortless because they were essentially the same thing with different labels leading to the next idea of never ending revolutions: “The replacement of bourgeoisie by the proletariat is impossible without a revolution” (5). With replacement of new class systems comes a separation of the next class divisions to come leading to problems arising which results in a revolution. I would say this is being described as a socialist structure that would be leading up to the communist organization …show more content…

A. Hayeks Road to Serfdom, the idea remains that the transition from democracy to communism is something to take heed of considering all resources will be ran directly through the government to decide what items are appropriate for “the people”. Freedom when deciding what 's appropriate for society is seen as another name for an increase in power or wealth; however this is not always brought with an increase in material properties. A question constantly brought up is can there be freedom while having organization and according to Hayek the answer is no. An example of this happens when Zamyatin brings up the idea of the pink coupons. Every individual has access to every other individual which delivers a bit of freedom in the mathematically organized one state. O-90 states “He is registered with me” (8) in this sense, there is no idea of mine and there is only “we” and finding a balance between the two scales is something that must be done to avoid the dangers of enslavement Hayek speaks about. Moreover, when the government is the main provider, then the only employment opportunities are those the political authorities assign you to fulfill. D-503 was a case in point for this criticism because the one state put his mathematical knowledge to design the Integral which would spread the message of the one state to all worlds (2). This fulfillment would eventually wipe out imagination leading to the demise of human emotions and individuality in the one state. This is