Communist Manifesto Research Paper

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Reflection Essay: The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto and published it in 1848 as ordered by the League of Communists. The Manifesto states the main goal; “It is high time that the communists should openly, in the face of the world, publish their views, their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spector of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself.” The Manifesto was prominent in fomenting revolutions for centuries to come. It has helped historians understand patterns of history and to analyze the way society has changed. The Communist Manifesto is a piece that is very influential throughout the world. Marx was highly influenced by Georg Wilhelm …show more content…

Although these were the goals of the Manifesto, it never had any material impact on the impending revolution it was released in anticipation of. The Manifesto has influenced many other revolutions though, such as the Bolshevik Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union. It has been studied throughout history and has been very influential on societal change and progress. It is often used to understand the past and how society reacts and revolts. The Communist Manifesto has influenced revolutionary change in societies as well as helped us understand why they …show more content…

During the time, Louis Blanc believed in the capitalist economy and that every worker had the opportunity to earn their way to wealth. He began a program that implemented national workshop programs that would give wageworkers a head start at earing money. These wage-working jobs are the jobs that are depicted in the Manifesto. These are the jobs that the proletariats had to work. These were the jobs that were controlled by the bourgeoisie and were controlled by capitalism. The workers of the time had to take these jobs because the had to work for their money and could not fund their own

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