Community College Vs 4 Year College Essay

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Thirteenth Grade
For most high school students, going to college is already in their future. Some will choose to go to a 4-year university, and some will choose to go to a 2-year community college. When it’s time for you to choose a school, it is important to take in many factors. You will want to consider the curricular, cost, and the living situation. Whereas attending a four-year university and attending a two year community college are similar in many ways and they are also different. Their differences are important because they will help you determine which one is best fit you. ATTENDING A UNIVERSITY AND A COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU THE SAME KNOWLEGDE. YOU WILL BE TAKING THE SAME CLASSES AS A FREASHMAN AT A COMMUNITY COLLEGE AS THOSE WHO ARE FRESHMAN AT THE UNIVERSITY. For example, those who attend University of Memphis as freshman will be taking the same classes as a freshman who attends southwest. After two …show more content…

The average cost to attend a public, four-year university in state, usually cost up to ten of thousands of dollars. For example, if you chose to attend the university at Chattanooga, you would be a paying roughly about, $4,000 a semester just for tuition. You would then need to pay an additional $2,000-3,500 for on campus living, $1,500 for a meal plan, and about $1,500 for miscellaneous fees. In the end, you would need to fork up about $11,000 a semester, or about $22,000 a year, just to attend. Most students obviously can’t cough that up every year, so they end up applying for financial aid and end up depending on scholarships, grants, and the worst of all loans. Lots of students apply for and receive loans to attend a university. Students who receive loans will end up graduating with tons of debt creeping behind them. They then spend years and years and years paying off their debt. However, those who attend a community college don’t typically have that