Community Colleges Vs Community College Essay

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Throughout high school one may not understand the difference between attending a community college and going to a private institution. The difference that one may understand is that community colleges are a lot cheaper than four year schools. So even though many seniors are told to go to a four year school, but they choose to attend a community college instead. Both of these colleges off the exact same education the first two years, but choosing to go to a community college is way cheaper and there are higher chances of making it to graduation without huge amounts of debt. Many students have an idea that they will transfer their credits and go to a four year college once they get through community college, but a lot of students in the process, end up dropping out. Students often dropout because they start out in remedial classes and because they are unengaged in the classroom. When they drop out it will be hard to compete with people that have a degree and they will have difficulties getting a promotion at a job. The first reason students often drop out is because they start at the remedial class level. Being in a remedial class is not a bad thing, it just means one needs more help in understand before they spend their time and money in an upper level class. But being in a remedial …show more content…

Currently, many jobs require one to have a degree or experience. Many college drop outs are at a disadvantage, because they have no degree and get asked during an interview why they do not have one, it will be difficult to explain they dropped out. Though it does not mean that college drop outs will never find a job, it will just be more difficult for them. Due to the fact that a college drop outs do not have a degree, they will find difficulties keeping a job because they become easily replaceable. Therefore, drop outs do have a lower chances of finding a stable

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